6,020 research outputs found

    Doenças infeciosas em peixes ornamentais de aquário: medidas de prevenção e controle

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    Peixes ornamentais de aquário representam um grande segmento no mercado de animais de estimação, no qual Estados Unidos, Europa e Japão dominam. São aproximadamente 1.500 espécies de peixes marinhos e em torno de 4.500 de espécies de água doce comercializados com fins ornamentais. O peixe é a quarta espécie mais comum nos domicílios brasileiros. Peixes ornamentais de aquário são comercializados e distribuídos em diferentes partes do território nacional e do mundo. O comércio e circulação de animais vivos sem o uso de procedimentos de manejo profilático adequados possibilita a disseminação de inúmeros agentes patogênicos. Peixes ornamentais de aquário carreiam consigo agentes patogênicos de etiologia bacteriana, viral, fúngica e parasitária, sendo alguns de caráter zoonótico colocando em riscopessoas que os manipulam. O objetivo desta revisão é apresentar os principais agentes infeciosos patogênicos - de natureza bacteriana, viral e fúngica - que acometem peixes ornamentais de aquário, bem como os métodos de prevenção e controle que permitam excelência no segmento.Aquarium ornamental pet fish constitute a major segment in the pet industry, with the United States, Europe, and Japan dominating the market. There are approximately 1,500 marine fish species and over 4,500 freshwater fish species commercialized as aquarium ornamental pet fish. Fish are the fourth most common pet present in Brazilian homes. In Brazil, aquarium ornamental pet fish can be marketed and distributed from different parts of the Brazilian territory and the world. Commercialization and circulation of living animals without the use of adequate prophylactic management procedures enables dissemination of a number of agents responsible for infectious diseases. Aquarium pet fish can also carry pathogenic agents, of bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic etiology, that may have a zoonotic feature endangering the persons handling the animals. This review presents the main pathogenic infectious agents of bacterial, viral, andfungal etiology that affect aquarium pet fish, as well as the prevention and control measures to ensure sanitary excellence in this segment

    Complicated acute diverticulitis: a clinical case report

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    Diverticular disease is a benign disease, with a good response to clinical treatment, based on changes in eating habits, greater fiber consumption, potent antibiotic therapy in the simplest inflammatory processes, and the use of interventional radiology in abscesses. A surgical indication is restricted to failure of clinical therapy and more severe forms of the disease, such as strictures, abscesses, and perforations. The present study aimed to present a clinical case report on acute diverticulosis of the left colon that progressed to a reconstruction of the intestinal transit

    Predictors of rescue percutaneous coronary intervention after pharmacoinvasive strategy in women

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    AbstractBackgroundPharmacoinvasive therapy (PIT) is feasible in patients with acute myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation (STEMI) when timely primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is unavailable. In this study, we compared women who underwent successful reperfusion PIT with those who required rescue PCI, to identify potential predictors of thrombolytic failure.MethodsFrom January 2010 to November 2014, 327 consecutive women with STEMI were referred to a tertiary hospital, 206 after successful thrombolysis (63%) and 121 who required rescue PCI. The groups were compared regarding demographic, clinical and angiographic outcomes, and clinical (TIMI, GRACE, and ZWOLLE CADILLAC) and bleeding (CRUSADE) risk scores. A multivariate logistic regression model was used to identify predictors of thrombolytic failure.ResultsThere was no significant difference between the demographic characteristics or the medical history of the groups. Rescue PCI group had significantly higher values of the evaluated scores. Clinical hospital complications and mortality (2.5% vs. 22.0%; p < 0.0001) were more frequent in rescue PCI group. The independent variables associated with rescue PCI were pain-to-needle time > 3h (OR: 3.07, 95%CI: 1.64 to 5.75; p < 0.0001), ZWOLLE score (OR: 1.25; 95%CI: 1.14 to 1.37; p = 0.0001) and creatinine clearance (OR: 1.009, 95%CI: 1.0 to 1.02; p = 0.04).ConclusionsWomen with STEMI who underwent PIT and who required rescue PCI had significantly higher mortality compared to those who achieved initial success of PIT with elective PCI. Pain-to-needle time > 3h, ZWOLLE score and creatinine clearance were independent predictors of the need for rescue PCI

    Coastal risk mitigation by green infrastructure in Latin America

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    This paper aims to highlight the prevailing experiences of Latin America and to clarify what ‘green infrastructure’ entails in addition to describing seven case studies from a range of coastal ecosystems (wetlands, coastal dunes, beaches and coral reefs) at scales varying from local to regional. The case studies are categorised according to their degree of naturalness (nature-based, engineered ecosystems, soft engineering, ecologically enhanced hard infrastructure and de-engineering). Generally, the implementation of green infrastructure projects aims to increase resilience, enhance the provision of ecosystem services, recover biodiversity, reduce the negative effects of hard infrastructure and implement corrective measures. The greatest benefits of these projects relate to the creation of multi-functional spaces, which often combine the above advantages with improved opportunities for recreation and/or economic activities. It is hoped that this paper will disseminate the experience in green infrastructure among academics and practitioners and stimulate wider adoption of green infrastructure projects and good practices

    Brazilian pediatric reference data for quantitative ultrasound of phalanges according to gender, age, height and weight

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    To establish normative data for phalangeal quantitative ultrasound (QUS) measures in Brazilian students. The sample was composed of 6870 students (3688 females and 3182 males), aged 6 to 17 years. The bone status parameter, Amplitude Dependent Speed of Sound (AD-SoS) was assessed by QUS of the phalanges using DBM Sonic BP (IGEA, Carpi, Italy) equipment. Skin color was obtained by self-evaluation. The LMS method was used to derive smoothed percentiles reference charts for AD-SoS according to sex, age, height and weight and to generate the L, M, and S parameters. Girls showed higher AD-SoS values than boys in the age groups 7-16 (p<0.001). There were no differences on AD-SoS Z-scores according to skin color. In both sexes, the obese group showed lower values of AD-SoS Z-scores compared with subjects classified as thin or normal weight. Age (r(2) = 0.48) and height (r(2) = 0.35) were independent predictors of AD-SoS in females and males, respectively. AD-SoS values in Brazilian children and adolescents were influenced by sex, age and weight status, but not by skin color. Our normative data could be used for monitoring AD-SoS in children or adolescents aged 6-17 years106CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPsem informaçãosem informação2006/01978-0; 2011/23460-1; 2002/13021-1; 2012/16778-

    Papel de la tecnología en la educación científica: una dimensión olvidada

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    El actual movimiento en pro de una 'alfabetización tecnológica' ha venido a cuestionar algunos supuestos implícitos en la orientación de la educación científica que se traducen, de facto, en el olvido de la dimensión tecnológica. En este trabajo se analizan dichos supuestos y se extraen algunas implicaciones que representan un enriquecimiento de la educación científica con la incorporación de aspectos esenciales hasta aquí ignorados. Se pretende, así mismo, mostrar la existencia de una convergencia básica en torno a unas propuestas de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las ciencias que superen las estrategias basadas en la simple transmisión-recepción de conocimientos, subrayando la contribución de la dimensión tecnológica al desarrollo de dichas propuestas

    Day and night surgery: is there any influence in the patient postoperative period of urgent colorectal intervention?

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    Background Medical activity performed outside regular work hours may increase risk for patients and professionals. There is few data with respect to urgent colorectal surgery. The aim of this work was to evaluate the impact of daytime versus nighttime surgery on postoperative period of patients with acute colorectal disease. Methods A retrospective study was conducted in a sample of patients with acute colorectal disease who underwent urgent surgery at the General Surgery Unit of Braga Hospital, between January 2005 and March 2013. Patients were stratified by operative time of day into a daytime group (surgery between 8:00 and 20:59) and the nighttime group (21:00–7:59) and compared for clinical and surgical parameters. A questionnaire was distributed to surgeons, covering aspects related to the practice of urgent colorectal surgery and fatigue. Results A total of 330 patients were included, with 214 (64.8 %) in the daytime group and 116 (35.2 %) in the nighttime group. Colorectal cancer was the most frequent pathology. Waiting time (p?<?0.001) and total length of hospital stay (p?=?0.008) were significantly longer in the daytime group. There were no significant differences with respect to early or late complications. However, 100 % of surgeons reported that they are less proficient during nighttime. Conclusions Among patients with acute colorectal disease subjected to urgent surgery, there was no significant association between nighttime surgery and the presence of postoperative medical and surgical morbidities. Patients who were subjected to daytime surgery had longer length of stay at the hospital


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    In order to respond to the problem of this research, the objective was to identify the barriers in prenatal care for the prevention of vertical transmission of syphilis during pregnancy. This study is an integrative literature review, descriptive in nature and with a qualitative approach, with research carried out in the MEDLINE, LILACS and BDENF databases, which included complete works, in Portuguese and English, available electronically and free of charge, published in the period from 2016 to 2021 and which addressed the proposed theme. Works that did not address the subject of interest or did not answer the guiding question were excluded, as well as duplicated publications in more than one database. The study consisted of the analysis of 9 publications. The findings showed that the barriers in prenatal care for the prevention of CS were addressed in a diverse way in the literature. Thus, it is of great importance to highlight that despite the pregnant woman performing prenatal care correctly, there are still many flaws during this care, which generates negative impacts for both the pregnant woman and the newborn. It is concluded that the management of gestational syphilis has been performed incorrectly, through late diagnosis and, consequently, the non-performance of the treatment in the appropriate period, as well as the non-adherence to the therapeutic regimen by both the pregnant woman and her partnerPara dar respuesta a la problemática de esta investigación, el objetivo fue identificar las barreras en la atención prenatal para la prevención de la transmisión vertical de la sífilis durante el embarazo. Este estudio es una revisión integradora de la literatura, de carácter descriptivo y con enfoque cualitativo, con investigación realizada en las bases de datos MEDLINE, LILACS y BDENF, que incluyó trabajos completos, en portugués e inglés, disponibles electrónicamente y de forma gratuita, publicados en el período de 2016 a 2021 y que abordó el tema propuesto. Se excluyeron los trabajos que no abordaran el tema de interés o no respondieran a la pregunta orientadora, así como las publicaciones duplicadas en más de una base de datos. El estudio consistió en el análisis de 9 publicaciones. Los hallazgos mostraron que las barreras en la atención prenatal para la prevención del SC se abordaron de manera diversa en la literatura. Por ello, es de gran importancia resaltar que a pesar de que la gestante realiza correctamente la atención prenatal, aún existen muchas fallas durante esta atención, lo que genera impactos negativos tanto para la gestante como para el recién nacido. Se concluye que el manejo de la sífilis gestacional se ha realizado de manera incorrecta, a través del diagnóstico tardío y, en consecuencia, la no realización del tratamiento en el período adecuado, así como la no adherencia al régimen terapéutico tanto por parte de la gestante como de la gestante. Su compañero. &nbsp;Com o intuito de responder à problemática desta pesquisa, objetivou-se identificar as barreiras na assistência pré-natal para a prevenção da transmissão vertical da sífilis na gestação. Esse estudo trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, de natureza descritiva e de abordagem qualitativa, com as pesquisas realizadas nos bancos de dados da MEDLINE, LILACS e BDENF, em que&nbsp; foram incluídos&nbsp; trabalhos&nbsp; completos,&nbsp; nos idiomas&nbsp; português e&nbsp; inglês,&nbsp; disponíveis eletronicamente&nbsp; e de forma&nbsp; gratuita, publicados&nbsp; no&nbsp; período&nbsp; de&nbsp; 2016 a&nbsp; 2021 e que&nbsp; abordavam a temática&nbsp; proposta. Excluiu-se trabalhos que não abordavam o assunto de interesse ou não respondessem à questão norteadora, além de publicações duplicadas em mais de uma base de dados. O estudo foi composto pela análise de 9 publicações. Os achados mostraram que as barreiras na assistência pré-natal para a prevenção da SC foram abordadas de forma diversificada pela literatura. Com isso, é de grande relevância destacar que apesar da gestante realizar o pré-natal corretamente, ainda existe muitas falhas durante essa assistência, o que gera impactos negativos tanto para a gestante quanto para o neonato. Conclui-se que o manejo da sífilis gestacional tem sido realizado de forma incorreta, por meio do diagnóstico tardio e, consequentemente, a não realização do tratamento no período adequado, como também a não adesão ao esquema terapêutico tanto pela gestante quanto pelo seu parceir